Aquarius: I Know



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Aquarius - One Of A Kind


Aquarius is the one sign that cannot be summed by generalizations - except to say that they are all different and unpredictable. Ruled by Uranus, they are lightning quick in their thought processes, and they perceive what others do not - at times they are somehow in another time zone or plane of existence. They are mavericks and defintely listen to the beat of their own drummers. The more evolved Aquarian recognizes the Unity of Brother/Sisterhood and knows that even though we may all be on different paths, we are still heading in the same direction.

The sign of Aquarius is a combination of an Air element (Mental Realm) and the Fixed Mode -- Fixed Air - Fixed Ideas -- that sums up Aquarius pretty well. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that can make an Aquarian change his or her mind on an issue - except logic. That is the only way to approach one. The unevolved Fixed Sign person, (includes Taurus, Leo, Scorpio), can be vain, petty, and dictatorial. This fixity needs to be tempered with love, for if they do not learn to "flow" (like their Mutable brethren), they will end up with health problems.

Aquarius rules the spinal cord, the calves and ankles, and the rods and cones of the eyes; their colors are white, pale yellow, pale green, electric blue; their gem is the amethyst; their metal: uranium.



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