


The largest planet of our known solar system, Jupiter is fifth from the Sun and the largest. Jupiter (Greek: Zeus) was the supreme god of the Roman pantheon; a god of light and sky, and protector of the state and its laws.


Jupiter was called the "Greater Benefic" by the Ancients, an extremely positive influence. Today, we realize that we can have too much of a good thing, so it has come to represent "excesses", as well as good fortune. "More of everything" and "growing outward", as well as "protection", that is Jupiter. It is interesting to note, that the physical planet affords us, on Earth, a measure of protection, as it's great gravitational field attracts many objects that might otherwise strike this planet. Where Jupiter is found, there is a need and opportunity for expansion and fulfillment.

The natural ruler of Sagittarius (and Pisces to the Ancients), Jupiter shows where we grow and expand - for good or ill (the choice is ours). It is associated with wealth, good humor, tolerance, yet under certain conditions, it can show overconfidence and boorish behavior. Jupiter shows our beliefs, philosophy, and growth into the outer.

Physically, Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, muscles, sciatic nerves, and the motor nerve action.

For colors, gemstones, and metals, Sagittarius is associated with deep blue, sea green, turquoise, and purples; the semi-precious gemstone of turquoise; and the metal of tin.




Astronomical data:




Jupiter is aptly named for the king of the gods in the Greco-Roman pantheon. This planet is more massive than all of the others combined, plus their satellites, the asteroids and all the comets. The planet's magnetic field is so powerful that it creates a sphere of influence around Jupiter that is larger than the Sun.


Voyager spacecraft discovered a tenuous ring system around it and that its Moon-sized satellite, Io, is wracked by volcanism far more intense than any we find on our own planet. Even in a small telescope, Jupiter is distinguished by bands of colors that change their appearance over time. More remarkable is a persistent pattern of winds that have lasted for the many decades that the planet has been observed from Earth. The huge oval storm known as the Great Red Spot has persisted for at least 300 years.


The composition of the clouds is still a mystery. The white ones are almost certainly ammonia cirrus, but a variety of pale pastels, mainly variations in yellow and brown with some salmon and blue-gray patches, indicates that chemical reactions are producing colored substances from the main gaseous constituents. Sulfur compounds are the likely sources of such colors, but no identification has yet been made. Jupiter's deep gaseous atmosphere merges imperceptibly into a layer of a liquid hydrogen. Within the planet pressure and temperature are so high that there is no clear boundary between the gas and liquid. Closer to Jupiter's center, the pressure becomes high enough to squeeze electrons out of the hydrogen atoms so they can move freely through the liquified gas as they do in metals. Jupiter's intense magnetic field is generated within this highly conducting layer of metallic hydrogen.


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