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Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest. In Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture.

Saturn was the farthest planet from the Sun (and Earth) as known to the Ancients, and he was regarded as the “Greater Malefic”, so it was seen as a very negative influence. Today we regard it a bit more philosophically; in other words, the Reality (Saturn) which we create, goes through cyclical testing phases, to see if what we have built for ourselves is really useful in our lives. Saturn asks: is it practical? is it feasible? have you planned for this? do you really need this? what are your contigency plans for emergencies? Saturn's position shows where you have to face tests and setbacks; there is a need to examine one's motives toward the house affairs, for your past attitude and approach to those house affairs has been incorrect (speaking in terms of past lives).

The natural ruler of Capricorn (and Aquarius to the Ancients), Saturn represents limitations, restrictions, challenges, and the lessons we all must go through. Saturn shows how we discipline ourselves through effort and hard work; it gives clues to type of work we do and the type of obstacles we come up against. It embodies the qualities of responsibility, stability, and conservatism, and is represented by authority figures, a father-figure, a teacher, an older person.

Physically, Saturn rules the bones, teeth, knees, skin, gall bladder, calcium balance, paralysis, and the right ear.

For colors, gemstones, and metals, Capricorn is associated with black, brown, dark green, gray, maroon, and purple; the stone of garnet (once only worn by royalty); and the metal of lead.




Astronomical data:




Saturn is perhaps the best known and recognized astronomical object by picture. Even though Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all have rings, they are feeble and impossible to see from Earth under most circumstances. Saturn's rings, however, have been seen for centuries. They are so bright and broad that even a small telescope can sometimes detect them. The rings consist of billions of particles (probably water and methane ice) ranging from a few centimeters to a few meters in diameter. There are three major ring systems, separated by the Cassini division (outer) and the Encke division (inner).


As a planet, Saturn is very much like Jupiter, a gas world made mostly of hydrogen, with helium, ammonia, and methane gases as well. It is the next planet out beyond Jupiter, the sixth planet from the Sun. It has one-third the mass of Jupiter, but almost a hundred times the mass of the Earth, so it is another giant planet.



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